URL: http://soundtrackjungle.holygrailrecords.es/foro/
Estilo(s) usuado(s): prosilver + estilo propio
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24 hour activity stats, accessNotification by Siteguarding.com, Activity Buttons, Advanced BBCode Box, Advanced Polls, AJAX Registratation Check, AJAX Userinfo, Antispam by CleanTalk, Avatars on Memberlist, Ban Hammer, Basic Stats, Birthday Cake, Birthday List on Top, Board Announcements, Browser & OS in Viewtopic, Button Roll Effect, cBB Quickmod, Css Magic, Custom Search, Database Optimize & Repair Tool, Emoji Picker, Fixed Footer Navbar, Forum Icons, Forum Legend, Genders, Google Translator, Hide Bots, Image Upload, Lightbox, Live Topic Update, mChat, Member Profile Views, Member time counter, Modern Quote, Moods, Multi-Grouped Polls, National Flags, Page Scroller, Password Strength, Paypal Donation Extension, phpBB Display Usage Users, phpBB Emojis, phpBB Xmas, PM Name Suggestions, Poster IP in Viewtopic, Post Models, Post Numbers, Previous / Next Topic, Prime Links, QuickReply Reloaded, Recent searches on index, Red title for new topic and new reply, ReIMG Image Resizer, RH Topic Tags, Screen Resolution in viewtopic, Search user topics, Set forum width, Share On, Simple Mentions, Simple News Admin, Simple Spoiler, Smilie Signs, Smilies Scroll box, Sort Topics, Stop Forum Spam, Symbols, tables, Thanks for posts, Topic Description, Topic Index, Topic Preview, Top Stats, Upcoming Birthdays, Username BBCode, User Recent Activity, Who Posted in This Topic, Who Visited This Topic, Zodiacs, preFixed - PhpBB Topic Prefixes - v1.0.0
Versión de phpBB: 3.2.9
Versión de PHP: 7.2.27
Servidor: IONOS, de pago
Si es una actualización desde otra versión: NO
Si es una conversión desde otro tipo de Foro: NO
Bien, estoy intentando actualizar el foro y todo funciona correctamente excepto un par de extensiones que me están dando guerra y el único problema que me sale en el foro es el siguiente, al intentar ir dentro del panel de control de usuario a preferencias de foros en editar opciones de notificación obtengo este error, ¿hay alguna solución?:
Código: Seleccionar todo
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to phpbb\notification\type\base::__construct() must implement interface phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface, instance of phpbb\user_loader given, called in /homepages/3/d776074155/htdocs/Soundtrack Jungle/foro/cache/production/container_4335734bbdd20f586549a504dff5f80c.php on line 5680 and defined in /homepages/3/d776074155/htdocs/Soundtrack Jungle/foro/phpbb/notification/type/base.php:87 Stack trace: #0 /homepages/3/d776074155/htdocs/Soundtrack Jungle/foro/cache/production/container_4335734bbdd20f586549a504dff5f80c.php(5680): phpbb\notification\type\base->__construct(Object(phpbb\user_loader), Object(phpbb\db\driver\factory), Object(phpbb\cache\driver\file), Object(phpbb\user), Object(phpbb\auth\auth), Object(phpbb\config\db), './', 'php', 'phpbb_notificat...', 'phpbb_notificat...', 'phpbb_user_noti...') #1 /homepages/3/d776074155/htdocs/Soundtrack Jungle/foro/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Container.php(295): phpbb_cache_container->getWolfsblvt_Advancedpolls_Notificat in /homepages/3/d776074155/htdocs/Soundtrack Jungle/foro/phpbb/notification/type/base.php on line 87