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ext collapsible forum categories no funcionaTema Solucionado

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Mensajes: 83
Registrado: 27 Ago 2015, 12:55

ext collapsible forum categories no funciona


Mensaje por Orcajavi »

He instalado la extensión Collapsible Forum Categories y no funciona en mis categorías, sin embargo, sí que aparece en la parte inferior del foro para las secciones de Banderas y de Top Five

¿Qué puede ocurrir?

Un saludo.
Última edición por Orcajavi el 01 Jun 2017, 23:28, editado 1 vez en total.

Mis datos para soporte:


PHP Version 7.2.31
Estilo: Elegance SteelBlue

Extensiones instaladas:
Active User Birthdays 1.0.0
Advanced BBCode Box 3.2.2
Advanced Polls 1.2.3
Ajax Base 2.0.0
Auto database backup (3.2) 2.1.0-rc2
Auto Drafts 1.1.3
Ban Hammer 1.0.8
Blinking counter, for new pm and new notify 1.0.5
Board Rules 2.1.2
Breizh Ajax Preview 1.1.0
Category Image 1.0.3
cBB Blockgets 2.0.1
cBB QuickMod 1.1.2
cBB QuickQuote 1.0.1
Change Post Time 1.0.1
Dark Mode 1.0.1
Database Optimize & Repair Tool 1.2.0
External Links Open in New Window 1.0.6
Favicon Notifications 1.0.0
First post on every page 2.0.2
Forum name in Topic 1.0.1
Friends and foes 1.0.2
Google Analytics 1.0.5
Hide Birthdays 1.0.1
Hide Bots 1.0.2
Imgur 1.3.1
Last Post Avatar 1.0.3
Lightbox 2.0.2
Locked topics at end 1.0.0
Markdown 1.2.0
National Flags 2.1.6
NavBar Search 3.2.4
New Topic Button in Topic 1.0.0
Notify Admin on Registration 1.0.1
Password Strength 1.2.3 - Move Message 1.1.0
phpBB 3.2 Auto Ban 1.0.1-1
phpBB 3.2 Birthday Control 1.0.2
phpBB Media Embed PlugIn 1.1.1
phpBB Topic Prefixes 1.0.0
PM Name Suggestions 1.1.1
Post Edit Log 1.2.0
Posting Template 1.0.0
Post Models 1.1.0
Post Numbers 1.1.3
Pretty Topic 1.0.1
Prime Links 1.1.8
Private Message Box Status Bars 2.0.2
QuickReply Reloaded 2.0.0-beta4
Quoted Image as Thumbnail 1.0.2
Red title for new topic and new reply 1.0.3
Registration email subscription 1.0.0
Scroll To Up and Bottom 1.0.2
SEO Metadata 1.3.1
Show First Post Only to Guest 1.2.4
Simple mentions 1.0.5
Simple Spoiler BBCode 2.1.0
Slideshow for Header 3.3.0
Sortables Captcha 2.0.2
Telegram Notifications 0.6.0
Topic/Post Reactions 0.5.6-dev
Topic Age Day 1.0.2
Topic Author 1.0.2
Topic Preview 2.3.2
User details 2.1.0-rc2
User Merge 1.0.4
User Recent Activity 2.1.1
VigLink 1.0.5
Who Visited This Topic 1.0.5
[**] Extensions .yml check 2.1.0-RC8

Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 1558
Registrado: 18 Nov 2008, 03:32

Re: ext collapsible forum categories no funciona


Mensaje por andares »

Nos seria de ayuda para identificar el problema que tu foro estuviese activo en lugar de mantenimiento :shock:

Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 83
Registrado: 27 Ago 2015, 12:55

Re: ext collapsible forum categories no funciona


Mensaje por Orcajavi »

Perdona, pero es que aún lo estoy construyendo :P Ya está abierto.

Mis datos para soporte:


PHP Version 7.2.31
Estilo: Elegance SteelBlue

Extensiones instaladas:
Active User Birthdays 1.0.0
Advanced BBCode Box 3.2.2
Advanced Polls 1.2.3
Ajax Base 2.0.0
Auto database backup (3.2) 2.1.0-rc2
Auto Drafts 1.1.3
Ban Hammer 1.0.8
Blinking counter, for new pm and new notify 1.0.5
Board Rules 2.1.2
Breizh Ajax Preview 1.1.0
Category Image 1.0.3
cBB Blockgets 2.0.1
cBB QuickMod 1.1.2
cBB QuickQuote 1.0.1
Change Post Time 1.0.1
Dark Mode 1.0.1
Database Optimize & Repair Tool 1.2.0
External Links Open in New Window 1.0.6
Favicon Notifications 1.0.0
First post on every page 2.0.2
Forum name in Topic 1.0.1
Friends and foes 1.0.2
Google Analytics 1.0.5
Hide Birthdays 1.0.1
Hide Bots 1.0.2
Imgur 1.3.1
Last Post Avatar 1.0.3
Lightbox 2.0.2
Locked topics at end 1.0.0
Markdown 1.2.0
National Flags 2.1.6
NavBar Search 3.2.4
New Topic Button in Topic 1.0.0
Notify Admin on Registration 1.0.1
Password Strength 1.2.3 - Move Message 1.1.0
phpBB 3.2 Auto Ban 1.0.1-1
phpBB 3.2 Birthday Control 1.0.2
phpBB Media Embed PlugIn 1.1.1
phpBB Topic Prefixes 1.0.0
PM Name Suggestions 1.1.1
Post Edit Log 1.2.0
Posting Template 1.0.0
Post Models 1.1.0
Post Numbers 1.1.3
Pretty Topic 1.0.1
Prime Links 1.1.8
Private Message Box Status Bars 2.0.2
QuickReply Reloaded 2.0.0-beta4
Quoted Image as Thumbnail 1.0.2
Red title for new topic and new reply 1.0.3
Registration email subscription 1.0.0
Scroll To Up and Bottom 1.0.2
SEO Metadata 1.3.1
Show First Post Only to Guest 1.2.4
Simple mentions 1.0.5
Simple Spoiler BBCode 2.1.0
Slideshow for Header 3.3.0
Sortables Captcha 2.0.2
Telegram Notifications 0.6.0
Topic/Post Reactions 0.5.6-dev
Topic Age Day 1.0.2
Topic Author 1.0.2
Topic Preview 2.3.2
User details 2.1.0-rc2
User Merge 1.0.4
User Recent Activity 2.1.1
VigLink 1.0.5
Who Visited This Topic 1.0.5
[**] Extensions .yml check 2.1.0-RC8

Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 1558
Registrado: 18 Nov 2008, 03:32

Re: ext collapsible forum categories no funciona  Tema Solucionado


Mensaje por andares »

He adaptado a 3.2 la solución que dio de "The Kuka" en el foro oficial para adaptar esta extensión a su mismo estilo en 3.1.

Extrae y reemplaza el archivo "forumlist_body.html" que esta en la ruta por el del 1er. adjunto:
Plantilla adaptada para Ext. collapsible
(1.58 KiB) Descargado 163 veces

Ahora extrae el 2do.adjunto en la ruta:
(962 Bytes) Descargado 170 veces
Limpia la cache desde el PCA y refresca la cache de tu navegador.

Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 83
Registrado: 27 Ago 2015, 12:55

Re: ext collapsible forum categories no funciona


Mensaje por Orcajavi »

Perfecto, muchas gracias.

Mis datos para soporte:


PHP Version 7.2.31
Estilo: Elegance SteelBlue

Extensiones instaladas:
Active User Birthdays 1.0.0
Advanced BBCode Box 3.2.2
Advanced Polls 1.2.3
Ajax Base 2.0.0
Auto database backup (3.2) 2.1.0-rc2
Auto Drafts 1.1.3
Ban Hammer 1.0.8
Blinking counter, for new pm and new notify 1.0.5
Board Rules 2.1.2
Breizh Ajax Preview 1.1.0
Category Image 1.0.3
cBB Blockgets 2.0.1
cBB QuickMod 1.1.2
cBB QuickQuote 1.0.1
Change Post Time 1.0.1
Dark Mode 1.0.1
Database Optimize & Repair Tool 1.2.0
External Links Open in New Window 1.0.6
Favicon Notifications 1.0.0
First post on every page 2.0.2
Forum name in Topic 1.0.1
Friends and foes 1.0.2
Google Analytics 1.0.5
Hide Birthdays 1.0.1
Hide Bots 1.0.2
Imgur 1.3.1
Last Post Avatar 1.0.3
Lightbox 2.0.2
Locked topics at end 1.0.0
Markdown 1.2.0
National Flags 2.1.6
NavBar Search 3.2.4
New Topic Button in Topic 1.0.0
Notify Admin on Registration 1.0.1
Password Strength 1.2.3 - Move Message 1.1.0
phpBB 3.2 Auto Ban 1.0.1-1
phpBB 3.2 Birthday Control 1.0.2
phpBB Media Embed PlugIn 1.1.1
phpBB Topic Prefixes 1.0.0
PM Name Suggestions 1.1.1
Post Edit Log 1.2.0
Posting Template 1.0.0
Post Models 1.1.0
Post Numbers 1.1.3
Pretty Topic 1.0.1
Prime Links 1.1.8
Private Message Box Status Bars 2.0.2
QuickReply Reloaded 2.0.0-beta4
Quoted Image as Thumbnail 1.0.2
Red title for new topic and new reply 1.0.3
Registration email subscription 1.0.0
Scroll To Up and Bottom 1.0.2
SEO Metadata 1.3.1
Show First Post Only to Guest 1.2.4
Simple mentions 1.0.5
Simple Spoiler BBCode 2.1.0
Slideshow for Header 3.3.0
Sortables Captcha 2.0.2
Telegram Notifications 0.6.0
Topic/Post Reactions 0.5.6-dev
Topic Age Day 1.0.2
Topic Author 1.0.2
Topic Preview 2.3.2
User details 2.1.0-rc2
User Merge 1.0.4
User Recent Activity 2.1.1
VigLink 1.0.5
Who Visited This Topic 1.0.5
[**] Extensions .yml check 2.1.0-RC8

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