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La Administración de phpBB España.

Error Al Instalar

Foros donde podréis dejar vuestras dudas sobre phpBB 3.0.x
Mensajes: 3
Registrado: 15 Ene 2008, 22:18

Error Al Instalar


Mensaje por clabras »

Versión de phpBB: 3
Servidor: (Gratuito)

Al tratar de instalar phpBB3 me arroja el siguiente error (Despues de dar click en Proceed to next step):

[quote]SecureSSI: The script (/usr/export/www/hosting/zonaotaku/foro/install/index.php) has tried to access the file /usr/bin/mogrify outside of your webspace directory.
For security reasons this is not allowed.

SecureSSI: The script (/usr/export/www/hosting/zonaotaku/foro/install/index.php) has tried to access the file /bin/mogrify outside of your webspace directory.
For security reasons this is not allowed.

SecureSSI: The script (/usr/export/www/hosting/zonaotaku/foro/install/index.php) has tried to access the file /usr/bin/mogrify outside of your webspace directory.
For security reasons this is not allowed.

SecureSSI: The script (/usr/export/www/hosting/zonaotaku/foro/install/index.php) has tried to access the file /usr/sbin/mogrify outside of your webspace directory.
For security reasons this is not allowed.

SecureSSI: The script (/usr/export/www/hosting/zonaotaku/foro/install/index.php) has tried to access the file /usr/local/bin/mogrify outside of your webspace directory.
For security reasons this is not allowed.

SecureSSI: The script (/usr/export/www/hosting/zonaotaku/foro/install/index.php) has tried to access the file /usr/local/sbin/mogrify outside of your webspace directory.
For security reasons this is not allowed.

SecureSSI: The script (/usr/export/www/hosting/zonaotaku/foro/install/index.php) has tried to access the file /opt/mogrify outside of your webspace directory.
For security reasons this is not allowed.

SecureSSI: The script (/usr/export/www/hosting/zonaotaku/foro/install/index.php) has tried to access the file /usr/imagemagick/mogrify outside of your webspace directory.
For security reasons this is not allowed.

SecureSSI: The script (/usr/export/www/hosting/zonaotaku/foro/install/index.php) has tried to access the file /usr/bin/imagemagick/mogrify outside of your webspace directory.
For security reasons this is not allowed.[/quoteicy]

Mensajes: 3
Registrado: 15 Ene 2008, 22:18

Re: Error Al Instalar


Mensaje por clabras »

Alguien tiene alguna idea sobre el problema o no???

Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 22
Registrado: 13 Ene 2008, 04:18

Re: Error Al Instalar


Mensaje por tuforolatino »

:D tienes q mirar lo q ofrese ese servidor gratuito Icy Phoenix no se puede intalar en cualquier host ya q te dara ese mismo error muchos archivos no prodran entrar al servidor.... te recomiendo q uses. entra a mi foro mira una anuncio q esta en mi foro de un servidor gratuito as tu peticion. oh puedes usar este otro servidor tambien es gratis. No podras usar warez o mp3 ni porno, clara esta suerte

Mensajes: 3
Registrado: 22 Oct 2007, 13:27

Re: Error Al Instalar


Mensaje por siberiano »

el error que te está arrojando es que ha intentado acceder a otras carpetas aparte de las designadas para tu webhosting y por motivos de seguridad no está permitido...


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